The 10 Most Common Reasons People Get Divorced in Florida

reasons for divorce

Divorce is never an easy decision, but sometimes it’s the healthiest choice for a couple’s well-being. In Florida, certain issues tend to drive more marriages to dissolution than others. Financial strain, infidelity, lack of commitment – these are just some of the frequent culprits that can turn “till death do us part” into “let’s split.”

While every situation is unique, understanding the most prevalent divorce triggers can provide some useful perspectives. Maybe you’ll gain insight into your own relationship hurdles. Or perhaps it will mentally prepare you if you find yourself headed toward those difficult legal waters.

Either way, this dive into the top 10 reasons for divorce in the Sunshine State is a reality check on which marital challenges simply become too much for some couples to overcome.

1. Lack of Commitment: When One or Both Partners Stop Trying

Lack of commitment is one of the most frequently cited motives for divorce. Feelings of neglect, resentment, and disconnection often arise when one or both partners stop putting effort into the relationship.

Some examples of lack of commitment include:

  • Not prioritizing quality time together.
  • Failing to support each other’s goals and dreams.
  • Not working on personal growth or self-improvement.
  • Taking the relationship for granted.

Statistics show that lack of commitment is a significant factor in many divorces. According to a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, lack of commitment was the third most common reason for divorce, behind infidelity and communication problems.

2. Infidelity and Extramarital Affairs: A Betrayal of Trust

Infidelity, whether emotional or physical, can be devastating to a marriage. When one partner engages in an extramarital affair, it erodes the foundation of trust that is essential for a healthy relationship.

Rebuilding trust after infidelity is possible, but it requires a significant amount of work and commitment from both partners. Sometimes, the betrayal is too deep, and the marriage cannot recover, leading to divorce.

3. Communication Breakdown: When Couples Stop Talking and Listening

Effective communication is crucial for a solid and lasting marriage. When couples stop talking openly and honestly with each other, misunderstandings and resentment can build up over time.

Common communication issues that can contribute to divorce include:

  • Not expressing feelings and needs clearly.
  • Failing to listen actively and empathetically.
  • Engaging in constant criticism or defensiveness.
  • Avoiding difficult conversations.

To improve communication in your relationship, try practicing active listening, using “I” statements to express your feelings, and setting aside dedicated time for open, honest discussions.

4. Financial Stress and Disagreements: When Money Causes Tension

Money is a common source of stress and conflict in many marriages. Financial disagreements range from differing spending habits and priorities to struggles with debt or unemployment.

To minimize financial strain on your marriage:

  • Be transparent about your income, expenses, and debts.
  • Create a budget together and stick to it.
  • Set shared financial goals and work towards them as a team.
  • Seek professional advice from a financial planner or counselor if needed.

5. Incompatibility and Growing Apart: Realizing You’re Not Right for Each Other

Sometimes, despite their best efforts, couples discover they are fundamentally incompatible. This situation happens when partners have different values, goals, or lifestyles that become more apparent over time.

Signs that you and your spouse may be growing apart include:

  • Lack of shared interests or activities.
  • Frequent disagreements about important life decisions.
  • Feeling like you’re living separate lives under the same roof.
  • A sense of emotional distance or disconnection.

If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to have honest conversations with your spouse about your feelings and concerns. Sometimes, couples therapy can help bridge the gap and find common ground. However, if the incompatibility is too great, divorce may be the best option for both partners.

6. Domestic Violence and Abuse: When Marriages Become Unsafe

Domestic violence and abuse, whether physical, emotional, or psychological, can have a devastating impact on a marriage and family. No one should have to endure spousal abuse, and you must seek help if you find yourself in this situation.

Resources for victims of domestic violence in Florida include:

  • The Florida Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-500-1119.
  • The National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233.
  • Local domestic violence shelters and support groups.

In Florida, victims can seek an injunction to protect themselves and their children.

7. Substance Abuse and Addiction: When Drugs or Alcohol Take Priority

Drug and alcohol addiction can take a heavy toll on a marriage. When one partner’s substance use becomes a priority over the relationship, it can lead to financial strain, emotional distance, and broken trust.

Supporting a spouse through addiction and recovery can be challenging, but it’s possible with the right resources and support.

However, if the addicted spouse is unwilling to seek help or the addiction has caused irreparable damage to the marriage, divorce may be necessary.

8. Marrying Too Young or for the Wrong Reasons: Starting a Marriage on Shaky Ground

Getting married at a young age or for the wrong reasons can increase the risk of divorce.

Some wrong reasons for getting married include:

  • Feeling pressured by family or societal expectations.
  • Hoping that marriage will fix relationship problems.
  • Rushing into marriage without really knowing your partner.
  • Getting married for financial or practical reasons rather than love.

To give your marriage the best chance of success, you must take the time to get to know your partner and develop a strong foundation of friendship and trust. Also, make sure you’re both ready for a marriage commitment before tying the knot.

9. Lack of Intimacy and Sexual Incompatibility: When Sparks Fade

Intimacy and sexual compatibility are essential components of a healthy marriage. Feelings of rejection, frustration, and disconnection often arise when couples face intimacy issues or significant differences in their sexual needs and desires.

To address intimacy issues in your marriage:

  • Communicate openly and honestly about your needs and desires.
  • Make time for physical affection and emotional connection.
  • Be willing to compromise and find solutions that work for both partners.
  • Consider seeing a couples therapist or sex therapist for guidance.

10. Unrealistic Expectations: When Reality Doesn’t Match the Fantasy

Many people enter marriage with unrealistic expectations about what the relationship will be like. When needs are unmet, it can lead to disappointment and resentment.

Some common unrealistic expectations include:

  • Expecting your spouse to complete you or make you happy all the time.
  • Believing that marriage will be easy and conflict-free.
  • Assuming that your spouse will always meet your needs without you having to communicate them.

To avoid the pitfall of unrealistic expectations, you must have open and honest conversations with your partner about your needs, desires, and expectations. Be willing to compromise and work together to find solutions for both of you.

Family Lawyers in Divorce: How Attorneys Can Help

If you’re considering divorce in Florida, take the time to understand the legal process and how a family law attorney can help you obtain a favorable outcome.

According to Florida Statute 61.052, grounds for divorce include: :

  • The marriage is irretrievably broken.
  • Mental incapacitation has consumed one spouse for at least three years.

The divorce process typically involves:

  1. Filing a petition for dissolution of marriage.
  2. Serving the petition to the other spouse.
  3. Disclosure of certain financial documents.
  4. Negotiating the divorce terms, including property division, alimony, and a parenting plan (if applicable).
  5. Attending mediation if an agreement cannot be reached.
  6. Going to trial is mediation is unsuccessful.
  7. Finalizing the divorce with a court order.

A skilled family law attorney can protect your rights and interests and guide you through Florida’s divorce court procedures. If you’re considering ending your marriage, contact Vollrath Law for a free consultation.

Address Issues Early and Seek Help When Needed

While divorce is never easy, understanding why people get divorced can help you identify potential issues in your marriage and work to address them before they escalate.

Remember, every marriage has its challenges, but communicating openly, prioritizing your relationship, and seeking help can give your marriage the best chance of success.

If you’ve done all you can and are facing divorce in Florida, know that you don’t have to go through it alone. Vollrath Law‘s compassionate and experienced attorneys are here to help you through the process and achieve the best possible outcome for your unique situation. Contact us today for a no-cost case evaluation.

Author Bio


Sharon L. Vollrath, Esq. is a skilled family law attorney and co-founder of Vollrath Law, dedicated to assisting clients in Central Florida with a wide range of family law matters, including divorce, child custody, child support, alimony, and property division. With a strong educational background and hands-on legal experience, Sharon is committed to providing compassionate and effective legal representation to families in need.

Sharon earned her Juris Doctor from Barry University School of Law in Orlando, where she gained valuable experience through internships at the Seminole County Legal Aid Society and Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida. These experiences further solidified her commitment to family law and her ability to navigate complex legal issues. At Vollrath Law, Sharon’s personalized approach ensures that each client receives the guidance, support, and legal advocacy needed to achieve the best possible outcomes in their family law cases.

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